2018 Books

by Kristen DeLap

Following on the heels of some more famous folks releasing their reading lists from 2018, I thought I'd put together mine. I read more books than I expected to this year. Almost 25 in total, where my goal was around 15. I owe a lot of that to a very engaging monthly book club, but also to some really great books that have just landed in hard copy on my desk.  

These are the ones I'd recommend to folks looking for something good to read. I'm proud to say only one of these is not written by a woman, and most of this list is women of color. We must promote diversity on every playing field and battleground. 

Note: I've got two going right now, that I won't finish in time but are sure to be on next year's list - Becoming by Michelle Obama and Wearing God by Lauren Winner. 


Happy reading!