Home of the Brave

by Kristen DeLap

Every Independence Day I try to take a few moments to think about the original Patriots, and how they founded a nation (after all, it's a federal holiday that asks us to do just that). I'm always amazed and inspired by the fact that those who signed the Declaration of Independence could be referred to as "those young punks". The average age was around 40, some of them still teens and twenty-something's. Puts into perspective some of the rash decisions of youth - all of mine pale in comparison to building a sovereign nation. 


Nike is a design company.

by Kristen DeLap

This week my company Maharam hosted a national gathering for all the sales reps, operations management, and designers - here in Chicago. Invited to speak was John Hoke III, who is the creative director and VP of Design at Nike. His outlook on the future via innovation and competition was striking. And his confidence and air of superiority was clearly that of an athlete. Here's a page of my notes.  


A captivating public speaker, he certainly inspired many of us in the room. Almost enough to make you forget he was talking about the largest apparel and shoe company on the planet, almost.  

Irish blessing

by Kristen DeLap


A coworker is celebrating her recent marriage, so my office threw a luncheon for her. I made this as part of the Irish-themed decor. 


by Kristen DeLap

I've long championed handwritten correspondence. And it took me some time to get organized, but I'm now a proud member of the Letter Writers Alliance
As they note: In this era of instantaneous communication, a handwritten letter is a rare and wondrous item.


Based in Chicago, Kathy and Donovan, the founders, hold socials and workshops to help promote the art of letter writing. And they have a fantastic online shop (most of it just for members!) full of stationary, vintage stamps, and ephemera. Looking forward to taking advantage!

Life edited.

by Kristen DeLap

Graham Hill is the founder of Treehugger.com and Lifeedited.org, and gave a TED talk about his theories on living a life with less stuff, leading to more happiness. His business began when he built his 420 sq ft NYC apartment, which can house two guests overnight, a dinner for 12, and a home office.  And while small spaces are still the cornerstone of his tenets, it is his urge to pare down belongings that really resonates with me. 

His 3 steps:
1. Edit ruthlessly.
2. Think small.
3. Make multifunctional. 

The idea of a curated home is something I can support. Being intentional with the items that come into my space. Just another opportunity to practice mindfulness. Though I'd have to add a visual component to my own criteria. I've always appreciated the mindset of William Morris: "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful."


Pony Express

by Kristen DeLap

Appropriately for National Letter Writing Month, this month is the 155th anniversary of the Pony Express. The short-lived fast-paced mail service that recruited orphans as riders is (probably) disproportionately revered in US History. This month it even had a Google Doodle celebrating its anniversary. But whether over-romanticized or not, it makes for an impressive story.
