2014 Goals

by Kristen DeLap

I don't like to make New Year's resolutions...they seem so trite. And the word resolution seems so final. I prefer to arbitrarily set goals, and this year that happened to coincide with the beginning of 2014. 

First, vitamins. As a vegetarian, I don't get enough B vitamins. I'd like to remedy that.
Second, yoga. I take a weekly class at Tula with Nathan, but I'd like to rededicate myself (as I am a far cry from the 2 hours a day I used to do when training to be a teacher). Somehow incorporating this into my daily routine, and exploring more classes outside my house.
Third, create. This blog is a step in that direction. But even if I'm not lettering everyday, creating something everyday would be ideal - knitting, sewing, writing, baking, etc. Just pinning to Pinterest is not enough.



by Kristen DeLap

After sending out our yearly holiday card - this year in the form of a hand-lettered newsletter - my friends and family encouraged me to do something with my design "hobby". This newly designed website is the result. I'll catalog what I'm working on, in an effort to hold myself accountable to continue producing work. Likely most of it will come in the form of lettering practice, but I'll also document my party-planning and crafting projects for posterity. 

Thanks for your encouragement - here we go!